
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2014

Valentine Day at Gapuraprima Group

Whether you have a valentine or not give someone your love today, here is my co-work has done to share love in our beloved office Gapura!

TVC Milk Chocolate compound ( Coklat Ayam Jago )

Masih ingat dengan Coklat Ayam Jago? untuk anak angkatan 90-an pasti sangat mengenal bagaimana coklat ini sempat menjadi favorit di masanya, dan kebetulan teman saya menemukan coklat ini di supermarket daerah Permata Hijau, sontak saya dan teman saya ingin membuat video berdurasi pendek untuk mengingatkan teman-teman akan Coklat Ayam Jago ini, proses sangat cepat tidak lebih dari satu jam TVC ini pun dibuat teman saya, dan untuk talentnya,, lihat saja sendiri haha.. enjoy

Paper from Facebook app

I'm not a fan of original Facebook app, so this is kinda a refreshment for me, Paper from facebook is a very well design and highly polished app flipboard wannabe but still lack of custom content like flipboard did. But anyway if you live outside US like me you have to change your iTunes region into US first to install this app.

"A Look Back" video, a Sweet gift from Facebook

In celebrate 10th year of Facebook, they made a gift for us, they made a Look Back video,, what a sweet gift,, I do not know how to embedded those video to my blog yet so I captured it some of them haha,, if you do not have it yet you can click on this link lookback/   #FacebookIs10 so here is mine..